
Beginner Carnatic Music
The beginner course of Carnatic music covers:
1. Swarams
2. Janta Swarams
3. Upper Sthayi Swarams
4. Dhatu Swarams

Intermediate Tabla
The intermediate-level tabla course is for students with basic knowledge and skills for playing tabla. This course takes an Intermediate-level approach to the concept of Teentaal, Jhaptaal, Rupak taal, Dhadra, Kherwa etc. It includes clapping and playing the above taals on the Tabla in different tempos and with variations. The student will continue to learn different syllables (Bols) required to recite and play different phrases and short compositions.

Beginner Tabla
Beginner Tabla course is designed for those who are new to the world of Tabla playing and are willing to learn the basics. The student will be able to understand basic elements of Music like Taal, Laya (Tempo), Rhythm, sum-kaal, taali-khaali. Additionally, they will be introduced to the various bols, phrases and some Taals and compositions will be taught.